Refugee Sunday 2024: Our Home


Written by Emily Shepherd, CEO of Welcome Churches

What do you think of when you think of the word ‘Home’?

Is it the place where you live? A place you used to live? A place your ancestors lived? A place you hope to live in the future? It is such a powerful word, isn’t it? Such a human word. We ALL need a home, no matter who we are or where we are from. 

It is a very Biblical word as well. There are lots of examples in the Bible of God’s people wrestling with the idea of Home. Whether that is Abraham, setting off on a journey in search of a new home that God has promised to him; Moses, leading the Israelites out of Egypt in search of a new home where they won’t be oppressed or enslaved; or New Testament writings such as Hebrews 11:16 which talks about God’s people longing for a better home, a heavenly one or 1 Peter 2 which says God’s people are living a strangers on earth because we belong to heaven. And there are far more examples of these that I don’t have space to list!

When I start to think about what the Bible has to say about the theme of ‘Home’ and hold this next to what my sanctuary seeking friends have to teach me about wrestling with the idea of home I am very challenged! I am challenged to remember that it is a privilege to have a home in the UK, where I am safe and warm every night. I am challenged to remember I am so fortunate to have my family nearby and I can visit them whenever I like. I am challenged to remember that, as a Christian, I am not actually at home yet, and it is only when I die that I will finally be at home with God. I am challenged to remember that the Bible tells me to welcome strangers into my home because by doing so I may entertain angels without knowing it (Hebrews 13:2)! I am challenged to remember that God’s house, his church, is to be a house of prayer for ALL nations (Matthew 21:13).

I am so grateful that ‘Our Home’ is the theme for Refugee Week 2024. It is a theme that our churches can really celebrate and learn from in lots of ways. I am excited to see how different churches engage with this subject as we look to celebrate refugees and people seeking asylum in our communities. We would love for you to celebrate Refugee Sunday with us.

Refugee Sunday is on 23 June 2024. Click to sign up to take part today.


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