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Welcoming Afghan Refugees - The Welcome Course Launch

You are Welcome in the UK. 

We’re asking churches across the country to open their doors to host the ‘Welcome Course’, a fantastic resource made up of six short professionally-produced videos that provide learning on British culture, making friends, wellbeing, problem solving and citizenship. 
Churches can host the course and invite Afghan refugees in their community! Those who may be feeling isolated, overwhelmed or confused about life in the UK can attend and build friendships, strengthen English skills, learn about British culture and be signposted to relevant services. 

This is a fantastic opportunity to tell those resettling in your community - You are welcome in the UK. 

Join us on Tuesday 16th May 2023 at 7:30pm via Zoom to learn more about the Welcome Course and to discover how your church can become a host and extend a warm welcome to new arrivals in your area. 

11 May

Interpreting in Church

5 June

Churches Connect Meeting