Finding the Peace


It’s hard to believe that almost two months have passed since we saw riots and protests unfold across the UK which led us to launch the ‘Finding the Peace’ project in partnership with Redeeming Our Communities. ‘Finding the Peace’ starts with the belief that we are all pieces in the jigsaw puzzle. We all have a part to play, in order to find long term peace for our communities. How do we create welcoming, safe communities for everyone who lives there, both for new arrivals to the community and for those who have lived there for a long time?

‘Finding the Peace’ begins by listening to different voices in the local community. Both voices within the church, and those in the wider community. It isn’t about having all of the answers, but it is about going on a journey together to work towards long term peace - where new arrivals are welcomed, and where the concerns of the local community are also heard.

We have identified 48 communities that had riots, or were targeted by the far right. As well as this, we know that people in many other communities felt unsafe to leave their homes during the time that riots were happening in other parts of the country.

From the conversations we have had with churches and communities so far, we have identified the need for:

  • Communication - particularly addressing disinformation which is shared online as well as racism. Churches are not immune to this, and leaders have also seen far right content being shared online by church members. We all have a part to play in communicating truth, particularly about who is arriving in our communities seeking refuge and asylum.

  • Collaboration - The riots have given a unique opportunity to cross divides and reach out to people who think differently to ourselves. We are really enjoying hearing stories of international meals, and social events with people from different faiths and many other ways that local churches are working with others in their communities to come together.

  • Celebration - it might seem like an odd response to rioting, however we need to lead the way in recognising and celebrating the good in our communities, and the gifts and skills of different people that belong in it. This includes celebrating new arrivals to our communities, particularly those seeking refuge and asylum, who have much to offer and contribute when they are invited to belong.

We are excited to continue the journey of Finding the Peace throughout the autumn, in order to build peaceful communities where everyone is welcome to belong. We are so grateful to have received £5000 of match-funds for the Finding the Peace project so far which is enabling this work to begin. Can you help Finding the Peace to grow? Give today and your donation will be DOUBLED to help more communities to Find the Peace for the long term.

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Welcoming Afghans