Diss URC, Norfolk

At Welcome Churches, we love to hear from churches across the UK. Last month, we heard from Diss URC, Norfolk. Gabrielle, their coordinator, wrote:

“We were asked a year ago if we could host a regular monthly social morning for refugees mostly from the Ukraine. This would be run by some of the people hosting families from Ukraine, so of course we said yes. We did not charge for the hire of the room and kitchen but the Council did give some money to cover the heating after the winter months.

Then the library asked if they could come and provide advice for the refugees on a weekly basis in one of the smaller rooms which is off the main door to the church, so of course we said yes!

So all this happened and because we are a very small congregation - just six of us and mostly elderly or very elderly - we were very pleased to have the church premises used as a facility for all this to happen.

We found ourselves able to help in various ways. We could provide a prayer book in Ukrainian for an elderly Ukrainian grandmother and she was very pleased. She was a nextdoor neighbour to one of the elderly friends of the church and he provided friendship and an introduction to the Welcome Cafe. We could provide a link to a very versatile pianist in Diss for two opera singers from the Odessa Opera House. The pianist leads our Dove Song Plus!, a singing group for those with complex needs.

So, in our own way, the church has been a welcoming and enabling place. We have been on quite a journey over the last few years. Being so few actual church members, we have been welcoming volunteers, now 20 in number from all churches and none, engaging with the town council, the church room hirers, neighbours and friends, to enable all sorts of things to happen, and to provide a warm welcome. If you have time to see our website Diss United Reformed Church you will see in which way the Spirit has led.”

You might think your church is very small, and are not sure what you can do. But Diss URC took what they had and gave generously. And by God’s grace, their offering has been multiplied.


I had less than zero… the church changed all that


Give the Gift of a Welcome: Grace’s Story