Celebrating Compassion and Upholding Justice Together

We want to take a moment to express our gratitude for the recent court rulings declaring the Rwanda plan unlawful. Compassion should always guide our actions, particularly when it comes to supporting and assisting those in need.

As followers of Christ, we are called to extend love and hospitality to those seeking refuge and a fresh start in our country. It is through acts of compassion that we reflect God's heart and demonstrate His love to the world around us. We believe that the court's acknowledgement of the importance of compassion reaffirms the values that we hold dear.

Whilst we acknowledge that the journey toward justice and compassion is ongoing, we believe this ruling is a step in the right direction. We will continue to advocate for policies and practices that prioritise empathy, kindness, and respect for the dignity of every individual.

As we celebrate this affirmation of compassion and justice, we also invite you to join us in prayer. Here are a few prayer points we would like to share. 

Let us continue to pray for:

  • Those affected by the recent unlawful practices, that they will find comfort, support, and a renewed sense of hope.

  • Our leaders, both within the government and the church, to be guided by wisdom and discernment as they navigate complex issues related to immigration and asylum.

  • Unity and understanding within our communities, so that we will embrace diversity and extend love and compassion to those who are different from us.

  • A broader cultural shift toward compassion and justice, so that our nation will increasingly recognise the value and potential that each person, regardless of their background, brings to our society.

May we, as followers of Christ, continue to be a source of compassion, hope, and justice in our nation. Together, let us strive to create a welcoming environment where all individuals feel loved, accepted, and supported.


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